Τετάρτη 14 Μαρτίου 2012

Us and the chicken

My husband doesn't really like eating chicken except as a chicken soup. I love eating chicken in every form possible except in a chicken soup. It don't hate it but it reminds me of hospital food or something but I do cook it for my husband's sake.
A few months earlier I found a recipe in a site that we both loved and it's so easy you can prepare it in no time and just leave it in the oven while you do your various household chores. I don't give you the original recipe as it is in Greek but I can provide it to anyone who's interested.

2 chicken breast
2-3 quite ripe tomatoes
100-150 grams feta cheese or similar
salt, pepper, a bit of paprika
some oregano
1 small glass of olive oil

You cut the chicken in bites, the tomatoes in small squares and you put them in a backing pan. You cut the feta cheese in small pieces and you put that in the pan too. A bit of salt, pepper, paprika, oregano and the olive oil. You mix everything together a bit with your hands and you put the pan's lid if it has one or just use some aluminum foil as I do.
You put it in a preheat oven at 180 c and cook for around an hour, after that I usually take the foil off so as to reduce the liquids to a nice sauce and cook for another 15 minutes.
The actual cooking time depends on the oven you are using.
You can serve it with rice or fries or as we usually do, plain with just a season salad.

I hope you enjoy.

P.S. I was sure I had a photo of it but I don't so I'll have to get back to you on that.

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